Transforming Your Garden On A Budget

Sprucing up a garden may seem like a frivolous use of money to some, but the truth is that it can drastically increase the value of your property. Not only will you give yourself more space to enjoy during warm weather, but you’ll also raise the curbside appeal of your home if it ever comes time to sell. Luckily, you don’t need to spend a fortune to transform a lifeless yard into an outdoor paradise complete with everything from a smooth and paved patio to edible plants. With just a little bit of penny-pinching and a lot of dedication, you can create the yard of your dreams without worrying about going over budget. Here are some tips on how to revamp your yard without breaking the bank.
Draw Up A Plan
Like any home improvement project, planning out your new garden before heading down to the DIY store can save you both time and money. You won’t accidentally buy unnecessary items that could put you over budget. By carefully crafting a plan, you can ensure that your project goes on schedule without wasting any money. You should not only sketch out blueprints of your new garden but also write up a list of all the materials that you’ll need.
Shop Thrifty
It’s best to shop locally to find deals. APC have stores around Adelaide, find your local store here.
You can hit up nurseries, home improvement stores, and thrift shops around town, or go online to see if you can get goods for even cheaper. Check out or specials and seconds here.

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Save On Plants
Though plants at the nursery may seem cheap, buying fully grown trees and flowers can add up quickly. You can save a significant amount by sprouting your own plants. You may want to do this by seed, or for certain fruit-bearing plants you may want to ask neighbours for cheap cuttings. Growing plants such as avocado trees and apples from seed may seem economical, but there’s a good chance that you’ll end up with an adult tree that doesn’t produce any fruit, or produces a bland or inferior tasting variety.
Recycle Old Items
You can save money by recycling items that you already have. For instance, there are alternative uses for your leaf blower that you may not have thought of. You can use it to clean your gutters and clear your sitting area of cobwebs or dirt. Instead of buying brand-new lawn furniture or planter boxes, you can go through your home and garage to find old items to use. You may have crates that are collecting dust or bowls that can be used as pots. Old furniture can be refinished and painted with a weather-proof coating to sit on the patio. Quality wooden pieces will also last longer than flimsy lawn furniture purchased from a retailer so you won’t have to worry about spending money later on replacing items.
Adding improvements to your garden is easier and cheaper than you might think.
Even if you’re working on a tight budget, you can transform your yard into an outdoor living space of which you can be proud. By planning ahead and shopping smart, you can create the yard that you’ve always dreamed of.
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